Pršni sistem Ocean, Prosan

Pršni sistem Prosan Ocean z okroglo abs glavo združuje eleganten dizajn in funkcionalnost. Z vzdržljivimi materiali, enostavno montažo in inovativnim preklopnikom je ta sistem idealna rešitev za vsak sodoben tuš. Pršna glava omogoča popolno razprševanje vode, medtem ko kromirani elementi zagotavljajo dolgo življenjsko dobo.

148,84 with tax

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  • chrome 304 stainless steel spray system
  • easy to install and connect to an existing or new faucet
  • adjustable chrome brass wall bracket that can also be used to mount to existing holes
  • thin shower head made of chrome-plated ABS, diameter 250 mm, easy to clean, nozzles for easy descaling
  • innovative, rotary switch
  • shower handle with 1 jet
  • flexible spray hoses (1.6 m + 0.6 m)
  • soap dispenser ABS

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